Integrate ClickFunnels With Campaign Refinery
Wondering how to integrate ClickFunnels with Campaign Refinery?
Then you’re in the right place!
I’m going to show you exactly how to add your favorite marketing automation tool with the very popular ClickFunnels drag-and-drop page builder.
First, what is ClickFunnels?
There are a lot of drag-and-drop landing page tools out there now. Generally speaking, those page builders fall into one of two categories: WordPress Plugin or fully hosted “SaaS” (Software as a Service).
One of the most popular hosted page builders is, without a doubt, ClickFunnels.
When you’re picking software to use, it’s good to pick one that works the same way your brain works conceptually. ClickFunnels excels in this regard for a lot of people with their “funnel first” flow.
They do a good job of moving you through the funnel process visually, which helps keep a lot of people on course when trying to build a proper conversion funnel.
However, even with all the strengths that ClickFunnels has, experienced power users will likely find it a bit frustrating that they are limited in the scope of the design to the options ClickFunnels gives you.
Beginner or “technophobic” individuals, however, will find the more limited options helpful.
At least the page builder space is filled with a lot of great options now, so you can pick the one that suits your particular needs the best.
What is Campaign Refinery?
Born out of frustration with poor deliverability and always starting from scratch, we made Campaign Refinery to put you firmly in control of your marketing success.
No longer will you have to suffer through poor email results or needlessly start at a blank screen.
Now, you can swap out email delivery services in a few clicks.
And you can clone proven email campaigns into your account with the touch of a button from our ever-growing library of incredible campaigns.
We’ve been asked before to give an analogy for how our marketing automation is different.
The best we’ve come up with is this:
Campaign Refinery is the “iPhone of your marketing automation”, whereas the email delivery services we integrate with are the “carriers”.
So imagine if your smartphone wasn’t stuck using just one carrier…
But instead, what if your phone made it dead simple to try different carriers and only picked the ones that gave you the best service at the lowest price? Without any delay of waiting for phone numbers to transfer, and doing so completely seamlessly to your customers.
That’s the interesting approach we’ve taken to give you maximum results at the best price possible.
Kind of cool, huh?
If that sounds appealing to you, then you can see what we’re building by going here.
Why integrate ClickFunnels with Campaign Refinery?
One decision we made early on with Campaign Refinery is that we were NOT going to try and build everything and the kitchen sink.
We’ve used systems like that in the past and found they were the “jack of all trades, master of none”.
(Specifically looking at you, Infusionsoft.)
Instead, we decided that for some key areas like shopping carts and landing page builders, we’d rather support the best-in-class tools already available on the market.
After all, in many of these markets, there are established players that people already love using.
No reason to reinvent the wheel.
So when we looked at ClickFunnels and the popularity of the page builder, it was a natural fit.
While we personally use other tools to build our pages, we know that there’s a strong following for ClickFunnels’ simplistic drag-and-drop approach.
So now I’m going to show you the options on exactly how you can integrate ClickFunnels with Campaign Refinery.
How do I integrate them together?
The first thing you need to consider when trying to integrate ClickFunnels with Campaign Refinery is what you’re most comfortable with.
Some people are afraid to work with HTML forms, even if it’s as simple as copy & paste.
(Which, ours is stripped down to about as easy as it can possibly be).
On the other hand, some people love using Zapier. This can come at an additional cost if the number of zaps you have starts to ramp up to a high volume.
However, Zapier is nice to use when handling complex data such as new customer information with a lot of different kinds of fields beyond name, email, and maybe a few custom fields.
Lastly, some people are only willing to work with truly native integrations. When a native integration is well supported, that’s an ideal scenario. However, it can be a challenge to get a ton of tools to put in the roughly one day of development work to do a proper integration.
Option 1: HTML Forms
As it stands today, we’re big fans of using HTML forms when integrating ClickFunnels with Campaign Refinery. ClickFunnels has a pretty decent interface for making sure the form is correctly parsed to send the right data to the right places, and this doesn’t have any other middle software or added cost when you scale up.
Step 1: Create a form inside of Campaign Refinery
Go ahead and jump into your campaigns, pick a campaign, and go to the form tab.
Create a form with the fields you require.
Then, once you have it set up how you’d like, go to the raw form code tab.
Don’t sweat that it’s code; just highlight everything and copy it.
Step 2: Set your ClickFunnels page to use HTML forms
In the ClickFunnels page builder, look at the top navigation for “settings”.
Then, look down the menu for “integrations”.
Then, select the HTML form code and paste in your form code into the empty box and click “Parse & Save Web Form”.
Step 3: Map your form fields together
After you tell ClickFunnels to parse and save your web form, you’ll see an option to map your fields together.
If you’re using First Name and Last Name, then you can create different fields or omit one of them (last name typically).
Optionally, you can do a single name field, and our system is smart enough to split up first & last names when people add a space.
Make sure you set the thank you page in the redirect of the HTML form inside of Campaign Refinery, so it redirects where you want it to.
Save save and publish, then you should be good to go!
Option 2: Zapier
If you’re looking to not only integrate ClickFunnels with Campaign Refinery but also over 1,000 other apps, then Zapier is a great solution to consider.
Zapier is a platform that connects the API’s from a ton of different software that wouldn’t normally integrate.
For more information on our general Zapier options and to get a direct link to the Campaign Refinery Zapier hook, go here to read this blog post.
Once you’ve done that, then you’re ready to start integrating ClickFunnels with Campaign Refinery using a direct Zap.
Step 1: Get access to the Campaign Refinery Zap
At the time of writing, the Zapier support for Campaign Refinery is fairly new.
This means it’s currently in beta but is in the process of being a publicly searchable connection.
However, until then, you’ll want to get access directly by clicking here.
Step 2: Connect your ClickFunnels Account
As you are setting up your Zap, you’ll see options to search for available apps.
Just start typing ClickFunnels, and it should show up in the dropdown if you’ve never added it before.
Step 3: Tie ClickFunnels triggers to add information to Campaign Refinery
Zapier is going to ask you which triggers you want to use. In most cases, you probably want to use “New Contact Activity” when you have a new opt-in. If you’re looking to connect a purchase, then you’d go with that trigger instead.
Then, Zapier will ask you to authorize the connection to ClickFunnels.
Make sure to click connect if this is your first time using Zapier for ClickFunnels, then allow the connection.
After a successful connection, just choose which funnel and which funnel step you want to tie into.
Step 4: Add Campaign Refinery step
Since you should have already grabbed your public invite to the Campaign Refinery Zapier support, then finding Campaign Refinery should be straightforward.
After clicking next, it will ask you to connect using an API key.
Go inside your Campaign Refinery account, “Settings” in the left navigation.
Then click “API”, and if you haven’t created a key yet, go ahead and create a key. Copy and paste it into the window Zapier pulls up, and then you’re good to go.
We recommend using the “Search for contact” because it will allow you to apply new tags if a contact already exists. And by simply checking a box, you’ll be able to create a new contact record if one doesn’t already exist.
This is truly the best of both worlds and will cut down on duplicate contacts!
Once you check that box for creating a new contact if one doesn’t already exist, all your custom fields will also display themselves.
Clicking the plus sign on the right-hand side of each field will let you map it to the input data from ClickFunnels.
Step 5: (Optionally) apply your contact to a form/tag/goal to fire automations
Inside Campaign Refinery, we have 3 concepts that can be tied to internal automations you’ve created.
Using Zapier, you can set any of these depending on how you’ve configured your campaign inside of Campaign Refinery.
This is where the real power of automation unlocks.
Forms are a great way to mentally think about “If I want someone entering this through a form”, which can be used in other locations in addition to ClickFunnels.
This is because the actual form code can be used with other tools, as well as being mapped in this scenario to your ClickFunnels data collection.
It’s common for Campaign Refinery users to set automations for Forms to kick-off sequences.
This is a more traditional approach, where it will search for an existing contact to add a tag and update any additional custom fields.
It can, of course, also add the same tag(s) you’ve specified to an entirely new contact creation as well.
Tags can be used to kick off new sequences, used for segmentation, or even for tripping goals elsewhere in your automation.
We use the idea of goals to end sequences early. Your goal can be satisfied by tags alone, or you can explicitly let Campaign Refinery know that a goal has been achieved with a Zap.
Goals are great to end sequences that are trying to push towards a particular event.
Have you been promoting an upcoming webinar? Well, a goal of “Registered for X Webinar” would be a great way to stop nagging them to register.
Goals can not only stop previous sequences, but they can pull double duty to trigger the next logical sequence.
Option 3: Bug them for a native integration!
Phew, ok, so two great options down!
Earlier, I mentioned how a well-supported native integration is even better because it can reliably map all your data.
Plus, it removes the middle software, which can add some additional cost at scale.
Now, we’d love to work towards a way to integrate ClickFunnels with Campaign Refinery natively.
To help that cause, if you’re a ClickFunnels customer, it would be a big help for you to ask them directly as well.
So you can ask their support desk directly.
And you can also let them know in the Facebook group that you’d love to see a native integration.
Feel free to cc support [at] campaignrefinery [dot] com as well in your request so we can jump right in with any questions their team may have.